
Rabu, 25 Juli 2018



Compass is a tool to set / find the direction of the wind . Used enumerated by the sailors , pilots , hunters , camp , and other adventurers to move from one place to another . There are two basic types of compass , namely :
1 . Magnetic compass that has been used since mtujuh century ago , in the direction indicated by a magnetic compass needle shaped magnet that leads in the direction of the North Pole under the influence of Earth's magnetic field . The biggest is the magnetic compass used by sailors .
2 . Gyrocompass tools found at the beginning of this century . Not affected by the earth's magnetic .

On the compass that uses a liquid , the liquid used is a mixture of alcohol danair . By using the liquid compass needle will be easy to use , profit is what causes the compass contains more liquid than the compass banyakdipergunakan dry ( dry compass ) .

Part - Part Compass

1 . Dial : The surface where the listed number / letter as at
2 . Visir : Sight the target
3 . Magnifying glass : To see the goals and number on the dial
4 . Hours Indicator : Addressing the location of the Earth's magnetic
5 . Close the Dial : With 2 lines besudut 45 degrees and can be rotated
6 . Hook tool : for rope and can also for hooking thumb
  while doing the shot .


1 . Place the compass on a flat surface . Once the compass needle does not move anymore , it has a          compass needle pointing to magnetic north . So it's not Arctic . Therefore , compass needles were        attracted by the magnetism of the earth is a few degrees of the Earth's north pole .
2 . Zero goals through Visir ( Sight ) .
3 . If Visir dubious , because less obvious , just straighten the lines contained in the dial towards Visir        cap , align with the target .
4 . Aim at the target point is also called check point .
5 . Behind target ( reading back ) , used when we will return to the point of origin / previous .

The formula behind the target ( Back Azimuth )
1 . Added to 180 degrees when the target bidiknya less than 180 degrees .
2 . Reduce to 180 degrees when the target bidiknya more than 180 degrees .

Examples of goals through :

Suggestions aim at 30 degrees then the goal behind it is : 30 + 180 = 210 degrees
If the target behind the goals bidiknya 200 200-180 = 20 degrees .

Thus the introduction of basic compass may be useful ... and congratulations to guide





Morse code is a system of representation letters, numbers , and punctuation marks using the coded signal . Morse code was created by Samuel F.B. Morse and Alfred Vail in 1835 .
Morse code is also used and studied in the world of scouting or scouting . In the world of scouting Morse code delivered using a flashlight or whistle scout . Morse code delivered by blowing a whistle with a short duration to represent a point and blew the whistle with a long duration to represent the line .
Morse code is an example of early forms of digital communication .
In LSWK , usually memorize Morse code by making a mnemonic of each letter , by replacing the line with the vowel ' o ' and point to the other vowels . They can be inserted between any consonant . With this code LSWK members can be quickly mastered the Morse code .

Instructions for Use HOME MORSE :

1.       The above image is divided into two parts , right and left .
2.       How to read from top to bottom .
3.       Code block shows white dots ( . ) And black block code dashes (- ) .
4.       Example left : If the cue showed the same white one with one dot means the letter E.

       Alfaber Of Mosre

A • – B – • • • C – • – • D – • • E • F • • – • G – – • H • • • • I • • J • – – – K – • – L • – • • M – – N – • O – – – P • – – • Q – – • – R • – • S • • • T – U • • – V • • • – W • – – X – • • – Y – • – – Z – – • • Tanda Baca : . • – • – • – , – – • • – – : – – – • • • - – • • • • – / – • • – • Numbers : 1 • – – – – 2 • • – – – 3 • • • – – 4 • • • • – 5 • • • • • 6 – • • • • 7 – – • • • 8 – – – • • 9 – – – – • 0 – – – – –...

How to send a message by Morse with the following tools :
Whistle = > toot long and short
Flag = > long and short flutter
Fire / Light = > flame length and short
Ticker = > dots and lines
Smoke = > large and small clumps
Mirror with the help of sunlight = > old beams and briefly

How to send Morse messages with flags
Morse flags measuring 90 cm X 60 cm attached to a stick with a length of 120 cm . adjust the color of the flag background . White base color with a dark center line for a dark background . Dark base color with light colored center line for a light background .

How to use the flap :
Left hand at the end of a stick and under the right hand holding the stick side .

Right hand and left shoulder upfront stick tilted to the right
Move the flag in a reclining figure eight shape that continues to fly the flag .
How to create lines and dots , each waving flags from left to right
a.        For the same point over head to right .
b.      To the line almost touches the ground
c.       To complete the word to the left under the flag diempar

Each finished waving the letter , the flag should dekembalikan in ready stance for 1 second

From the point to the line waving the letter , the flag should be returned in an attitude ready for one second .


23 Juli 2018

 Inilah kami dengan penuh kekurangan kami sebagai Bagian KWARTIR CABANG BANYUMAS yang sangat berprestasi,seperti inilah kami yang sesalu apa adanya PENILAIAN KINERJA KAMI SELAMA TAHUN 2017 SEMOGA APA YANG MENJADI HASIL KAMI SELAMA SATU TAHUN BISA MENJADIKAN MOTIVASI KAMI DI TAHUN 2018.